About 3D-Studio

About 3D-Studio

3D-Studio.be was set up by three passionate model railway enthusiasts with a great love for model trains, model making and figures in miniature. 3D-Studio.be aims to produce unique 3D figures for your railway or diorama at an affordable price.

3D-Studio.be makes your dreams come true and brings you to life as a locomotive driver, a tram conductor, a station chief or a traveller. We scan you as a farmer, a postman, a policeman or any other person. We put you on a bicycle or as a driver of a car. Almost anything is possible.

3D-Studio.be makes this possible by using professional hand scanners and a unique scanning cabin. With the hand scanner, we come to your home or an agreed location. The scan cabin is set up on our premises. It takes a large number of photos in seconds, from which a 3D image is made. A 3D print is then made of the scan in the desired size.

We also focus on companies and private organisations that need a professional 3D scan. We accept special orders for museums, 3D animation studios, unique collections and special occasions.

Upon request, we also offer individual hand-painted figures.

If you or your association are interested in a scanning session, please contact [email protected].

Recordings of a cyclist for the reportage ‘Summer of 69’ broadcast by Flemish television (VRT) on July 21, 2019.
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