Newsletter N0. 6
Decembre 2022
Dear modeller
This is our first newsletter in six months and our second newsletter of this year. Additional assignments have caused delays. In the coming months, therefore, we hope to make up for our delay.
New figures
More than twenty new figures have been added to our website. Many more will be added in the coming weeks. Therefore, please visit our website regularly. Below you will find a limited selection of our new offerings. New are our seated figures which we can offer in a series of five at a reduced price.

Permanent setup of our 3D-Studio
Currently our 3D-Studio is set up in our home location in Waarmaarde (Belgium). This setup allows us to make individual scans by appointment. In addition, we can still make recordings on location. For this we use our handheld scanners.
Spur1-Tage 2022
On December 10 and 11, the “Spur1-Tage” will be organized for the first time in Mellrichstadt, Germany. At the request of Bee´s Modellbahn, we will be present with our 3D studio. An ideal time to have a personal scan as a train driver, or as a driver or stoker of a steam locomotive.
01TREFF 2023
Our next appointment is at 01TREFF on November 18 and 19 in Maarn (Netherlands) where we will participate for the second time with our 3D studio.
HO (1:87): End of production
Our offer of figures in HO (1:87) scale will be phased out in the future. The demand for figures in this scale is limited and the costs are too high to be really profitable. Currently we produce these figures at a loss. Therefore, we are forced to say goodbye to HO. On our website you will only find our figures in HO that are in stock.
Price increase from 2023
We too will not escape a price increase. For several years we have not adjusted our prices. From January 2023 our prices will increase by 10% on average.
Painting figures
We are regularly asked if we can also offer painted figures. This is only possible to a limited extent. However, we can refer you to some experienced painters.
One of our most experienced painter of miniature figures is MAKO MODELLBAU. We hereby show some of his realizations. If you are interested, you can buy your figures from us and then contact MAKO MODELLBAU directly for further arrangements. Here are some examples.

Nieuwstraat 14A
+32 55 30 55 55
[email protected]
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